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Betaseed Offers New Cercospora Tolerant - Hybrids in Select US Markets


Betaseed, having access to KWS genetics, is offering hybrids containing the new Cercospora tolerance trait, referred to as CR+.

KWS has developed a patent protected trait which ensures a new level of Cercospora protection in combination with strong yield performance. The new trait offers sugarbeet growers’ performance, protection, and productivity as new hybrids carry an increased level of tolerance to Cercospora without compromising productivity and yield. The new trait also offers growers the potential opportunity to minimize fungicide applications.

“This new trait, offered in Betaseed hybrids for the upcoming planting year, will change the way growers manage Cercospora leaf spot disease in their fields. Through cooperator and Official Variety Trials conducted over the last few years we’ve seen such a dramatic improvement in the ability of the trait to stand up to very heavy disease pressure,” says Jason Evenson, Betaseed Brand Sales Leader. “Pending approval, we’re really excited to offer hybrids that have the new CR+ trait to growers in the Southern Minnesota, MinnDak and Michigan/Ontario growing areas. We’ve seen tremendous performance in both official variety trials and in strip trials on farms, and we anticipate strong performance in grower’s fields, helping to increase productivity.”

Growers should contact their local sales representatives to learn more about this new CR+ trait.

Press contact – Bri Hampton
Phone: 952-233-6937

The Betaseed brand is North America’s premier sugarbeet brand. From our start in 1970 as a KWS brand, Betaseed has maintained a longstanding commitment to the beet sugar industry, with breeding and seed production operations in several states, and marketing seed to all sugarbeet regions. Our mission is to develop the best performing seed products and services through innovative people, plant breeding, and seed technology.
As an organization, we take the pandemic developments seriously. It is important for us to balance operational requirements and safety to mitigate risk to customers and staff by:

• Following national, state and local rules and orders and
• Following COVID-19 coronavirus recommendations from the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control to maintain social separation and good hygiene habits.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of your seed or business needs, please reach out to your local Independent Sales Agent (ISA)or Betaseed sales manager. Your continued confidence in Betaseed is important to us.